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    Welcome To Zion A Happy Home Foundation
    Endless Service to Humanity for Peace & Love
  • Welcome To Zion A Happy Home Foundation>
    Welcome To Zion A Happy Home Foundation
    Endless Service to Humanity for Peace & Love


On the 8th of July, 2020 Zion A Happy Home Foundation organized a sensitization  seminar under the theme "ZION A HAPPY HOME FOUNDATION FOOTBALL CAMPAIGN TO USE AGRICULTURE AS A MEANS OF ALLEVIATING POVERTY IN SIERRA LEONE. This conference took place at Kaningo Juba neighbourhood, and it brought together 130 youths between the ages of 15 to 35years old. The  objective of this conference was to sensitize these youths through football campaigns how they can make agriculture their source of livelihood and the hope for the future we long create. Also, these youths were drilled on the importance of agriculture in the world and the vital role it plays especially in 3rd world economies and that of Sierra Leone in particular.  According to www.usaid.gov/ Sierra Leone, Agriculture ( including forestry and fisheries) is the mainstay of the Sierraleonean economy, employing over 60% of the labour force mostly at the subsistence level. Zion A Happy Home encouraged youths to farm Rice and Cassava which are the main staple foods of the country, while Cocoa, coffee, oil palm and cashew nuts are the major cash crops. For a start, Zion A Happy Home Foundation envisages sponsoring over 4000 youths financially while providing them with the necessary agricultrural implements required for the cultivation of these aforementioned crops. Join us by either partnering, donating or sponsoring this journey of transformation aimed at facilitating the growth and development of Sierra Leone through its youths. And equally reducing unemployment and its related quagmires.



The Republic of Sierra Leone is a country with a significantly high rate of underprivileged persons. According to the Sierra Leonean multidimensional poverty index 2019 profile published by Oxford Human Development (OPHI), Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Statistics Sierra Leone and UNDP, indicates that 64.8% of the population in Sierra Leone was multidimensionally poor in 2017. The Southern and Northern regions had the highest poverty rates with 76.0% and 75.8% respectively, while the Western region had the lowest poverty rate of 36.2%. At the District level, Pujehun recorded the highest incidence of poverty. The profile also notes that female-headed households had higher multidimensional poverty rates (65.9%) compared to male-headed households. Guided by this survey, Zion A Happy Home Foundation adopted as objective to empower any individual who falls in the category of an underprivileged Sierra Leonean. We held conferences on empowerment at different locations in Sierra Leone as well as football matches via which we educated the less privileged on;

  • sustainable way to end their misery, poverty and hopelessness.
  • Poverty alleviation by getting them enrolled to learn a trade or into schools, apprenticeship schemes and empowerment centers.
  • Pledged to provide food and water supplies like we've been doing to underserved communities.
  • Petty trading. This petit trade they do will make them raise money and send their children to school and put food on their tables.
  • Our future plans of providing adequate shelter, food, and jobs for them.

We equally pledged to support the poor, street children and school drop outs return back to school.
So far we have succeeded in building businesses for 50 youths, who have now raise good capitals.

DONATE or PARTNER with us and make this vision a reality.



Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent or approval.
Rape is the "most alarming" problem against humanity Sierra Leone is faced with. It is a despicable inhumane act that often results in victims suffering from physical as well as psychological long and short term effects like Bruising, Bleeding (vaginal or anal), Depression, prolonged sadness, mental disabilities, sexual transmissible infections, diseases and death. The case of the 5 year old girl Kadijah Saccoh who lost her life to rape some weeks ago triggered heightened tension, vexations and calls for justice in Sierra Leone and all over the world. Because of this incident, the president of Sierraleone has opened up a special criminal court to handle perpetrators of this wicked crime. A positive step highly applauded nationally and worldwide, in the advocacy against rape in Sierra leone. In conjunction to this global advocacy plan, Zion A Happy Home Foundation recently launched a football campaign and conveined sensitization conferences in different locations in Sierra Leone under the theme " SAY NO TO RAPE IN SIERRA LEONE", while joining voices with the first lady of Sierra Leone in her national advocacy against this devilish stigmatizing act called rape with the slogan "TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF OUR GIRLS", targeted at men because rape is killing many great female destinies, leaders and people who could lift their families and the image of the nation. During these conferences, females were educated on;

  • Rape as a societal problem totally against humanity.
  • The need for more girls to acquire education and help build a strong advocacy platform.
  • Women, men, as well as parents should be disciplined, and also discipline their children especially young females who are more vulnerable.
  • Females should avoid men they don't know.
  • Avoid going to hidden places with men.
  • Avoid keeping late nights, and doing late night visits.
  • Avoid collecting gifts from people they don't know or have never seen.

Join ZAHAHF, and SAY NO TO RAPE IN SIERRA LEONE. DONATE or PARTNER with us in taking this cry across the country and to other nations.


Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment. How does it spread?
The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, and quickly fall on floors or surfaces.
You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within close proximity of someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose or mouth. However, despite all these explanations many still take this pandemic for granted. Zion A Happy Home Foundation through a football campaign, held an educative seminar and organized a football match at Kaningo juba, to sensitize citizens of this community about;

  • Covid-19 pandemic is real, the way it is spread, and the dangers associated with it.
  • To educate people on preventive measures to adopt so that the virus won't be widely spread.
  • Always stay home and practice limited movements outdoors except they have something important to do.
  • Wear nose mask in case they are to step out of their homes, or when in the midst of people.
  • Practice basic hygiene of always washing hands with soap and running water.
  • Use hand sanitizers if available.
  • Watch out on what they eat, how they dress and the things to do. Avoid crowded gatherings.
  • If you hear noise outside avoid going there.
  • Avoid close contacts with people.

Zion A Happy Home Foundation is taking this sensitization campaign to the suburbs so that Sierraleone and the world atlarge can be free from Corona virus if people stay home, keep away from others, respect social distance.

